

Eight investors submit final bids for Woori Financial's minority stake Final results expected early next week

Translated by Kim So-in 공개 2021-11-22 08:09:12

이 기사는 2021년 11월 22일 07:58 thebell 에 표출된 기사입니다.

A sale of about a 10% stake in Woori Financial Group held by Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC) is going smoothly, with strong interest continuing into the final round of bidding.

KDIC received binding offers from around eight investors by the November 18 deadline. Total seven investors offered higher bids than the seller’s minimum bid price, with 1.73 times the maximum sale amount of 10%.

The country’s Public Fund Oversight Committee will announce final results at 2PM on November 22 after the financial authorities review bidding prices and other factors.

Hoban Construction, Harim Group’s shipping unit Pan Ocean, Korea Investment & Securities, and Eugene Private Equity have reportedly offered to acquire a 4% or more stake, said industry sources. KDIC will grant the right to nominate an outside director to those buying a 4% or more stake in Woori Financial.

KTB Asset Management reportedly sought to buy a 2% stake, while Taiwan’s Fubon Financial and cryptocurrency exchange operator Dunamu sought to buy a minority stake.

KDIC had received preliminary bids from 18 potential buyers. Of them, about eight participated in the final round of bidding, with mobile carrier KT, which has been floated as strong contender, pulling out of the deal. Bid prices are expected to have a great impact on the seller’s decision, as many potential buyers placed their bids.

It is meaningful that shares of Woori Financial have soared since the sale process has picked up the pace. Shares of Woori Financial closed at 13,500 won on Thursday, up 25% from 10,800 won on September 9 when the financial holding company announced its stake sale plan.

With the strong interest from potential investors and a rise in the stock price, analysts said there is the possibility that more than 10% stake may be sold. KDIC owned a 15.13% stake in Woori Financial as of the end of September. (Reporting by Jang-jun Lee)
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