

Affirma Capital acquires Hanmaeum Energy with Duham Partners Hanmaeum Energy specializes in installing and operating solar power generation facilities

Translated by Kim So-in 공개 2021-12-29 08:23:25

이 기사는 2021년 12월 29일 08:14 thebell 에 표출된 기사입니다.

Singapore-based private equity firm Affirma Capital has acquired Hanmaeum Energy jointly with Duham Partners, with the firms planning to pursue a bolt-on strategy after the acquisition.

Affirma Capital has purchase a 100% stake in Hanmaeum Energy with Duham Partners, industry sources said on Monday.

Hanmaeum Energy chief executive Lee Dae-young will retain his post after the acquisition. Lee plans to reinvest in the company after the sale and plans to continue the existing management system.

Hanmaeum Energy is a leading company specializing in installing and operating solar photovoltaic power generation facilities using idle road land.

The company carries out all stages of engineering, procurement, and construction on its own, from the selection of the optimal site for solar photovoltaic power generation, business development, licensing, and construction. This enables the company to increase its revenue and operating margin. Its operations and maintenance (O&M) business is a stable source of income as contracts are made every 20 years.

Hanmaeum Energy currently owns and operates 80MW solar power plants through 25 special purpose companies. A solar power generation special purpose company is normally classified as an infrastructure asset that generates stable cash flow because it runs power generation business based on long-term fixed price contracts.

Affirma Capital and Duham Partners plan to create a new growth engine by diversifying Hanmaeum Energy’s lines of business. They plan to actively seek bolt-on opportunities in other business areas such as business to consumer (B2C) and energy brokerage services. (Reporting by Hyo-jung Lim)
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